
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, November 11, 2011


During the course of this semester, I read 4 books. I read Its Kind of a Funny Story, Odd Thomas, Breaking Dawn, and a little bit of Eclipse. The two new ones that I read are the first two listed, and I reread the Twilight books just for fun. I choose Its Kind of a Funny Story because of Riley McComb. Last year in English she was talking about it, so I thought I’d give it a try and I loved it! It was one of the best books I’ve ever read I think. I really liked Odd Thomas too, it was awesome. And strange, and weird. I chose to reread the Twilight series because of the last movie coming out soon, and I wanted to catch up and see what all happened again. Every time I watch the movies or read the books I love the series even more. It’s pretty easy to find things that interest me to read because I love mysteries, comedies, romances, and pretty much everything. The only thing I don’t really like are the things like anime, Harry Potter wanna-be’s, and the fairy tale stuff. So finding books really isn’t a challenge for me. It was really hard for me to stick with Odd Thomas, just because I was so busy during the course of it, but I still stuck to my 100 page week quota. When I heard people saying that we had to read 100 pages a week in Etymology I was like wow, really?! But it wasn’t hard at all. It was way more enjoyable than I thought, and I’m really glad I took the class.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last week, post 2.

Soo after making out intensely on the mountain tops of Forks, Washington, Bella is forced to pick between Jacob, the warm, sexy, yummy werewolf, and Edward, the cool, shimmery, intense, soul=mateish vampire. I wonder who she chooses. HMMMM, well don't lie people ! I know you've all either seen the movie or read the book. You'd be lieing if you said you haven't. So she chooses Edward and Jacob goes to fight the vamps. He ends up getting into a tiff with the vampire Leah, a girl werewolf, is trying to kill and he breaks the entire right side of his body. Ouch. So while he's getting medicine and his bones put back in place, and after the werewolves and vampires win the fight ofcourse, he tells Bella that he will always be waiting for her, until her heart stops beating. Her plans to become an immortal vampire are not secret to Jacob so he drops the romantic, suprising line: And Maybe Even After That. Awhhh how stinkin cute. Well I did way more blogs this year than I did last year and it was kinda fun. But Eh, ta ta for now fellow bloggers. It's been real.

Last Week, Blog 1.

Ok now i'm workin my way backwards. I read Breaking Dawn last week (by Stephanie Meyers) and this week I read Eclipse (also by Stephanie Meyers). Breaking Dawn is the last one, and Eclipse is the third one. This is the intense one where Bella is forced to choose between Edward, her soul mate, and Jacob, the better choice. COUGH COUGH. I mean I like Edward, don't get me wrong. The way he shimmers in the sun light is just magnificant. But Jacob.. who doesn't think that ripping off your clothes and turning into a werewolf is sexy ... He is to die for. But anyway, the werewolves and the vampires team up to fight the new fleet of newborns (vampires who want only distruction and blood) and before the fight Bella has to convince Jacob to stay around with her and not get involved with the fight. In order to do this, she yells: "KISS ME. Kiss me." Which he ofcourse jumps on, and i'll let ya know in the next blog how it turns out. Muahahah

Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently's. Week 2 and Week 3. 11/4/11

During week 2 I read 113 pages of Stephanie Meyer's book Breaking Dawn. That means I read a total of 1129 pages overall.
During week 3, I read 165 pages of Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn. That makes a whopping 1294 pages read during this year.

3 Best Sentences:
1) "I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan." This sentence is just soooo romantic as said by Edward Cullen.
2) "You’re awfully small to be so hugely irritating." This sentence spoke to me because I know a lot of small people that are extremely irritating...
3) "I’m not ready for you to kill me yet, Jacob Black. You’ll have to have a little patience." This sentence is quite ironic, which is the reasoning for my picking it, because its hard to believe that anyone is really ready for someone to kill them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fin. Blog 2 of Week 3.

awhhhh i'm done reading the book about werewolves and vampires and half human-vampires. Sad face. Tear. Oh well, there will be more of that when the first part of Breaking Dawn comes out in just 16 days ! Whooo ! I cannot wait for this to come out. I wish these things could happen in real life too. Find a vampire, fall inlove, be able to live with him forever. I know that people do meet, fallinlove, become destined to be together, and do all the til death do us part yadee yaddee yadeee blabidy blahbidy blahh! But nothing compares to this. We will never ever meet someone and actually spend eternity with them. How sad for us. But who knows, maybe in another life :) That would be spectacular. I wonder what life will be like for our kids, and their kids and thier kids. This is what reading books like Twilight does to me ! It makes me think of all the caraaaazy possibilities inlife that we don't know about or never will know about. The things that life could actually be like are mesmerizing to me. And it makes me sad to know that I'll never find out about them. I guess i'll just have to reincarnate into a new person later on down the road and see what i'm missin :) wow. How awesome would that be ?!

que pasa blog 1 of week 3.

Soo I stayed home sick today, so while I'm here just mopin' around and hangin' out I figured i'd get a little bloggin' done. I gotta case of the runny nose, the cough, the slight headache, the swollen lymphnodes in the neck, the sore throat, and the grogginess. Yay, aren't you jealous ? If you aren't .. you should be. Ha totallly kidding. But i'm almost done reading Breaking Dawn by the ever so charming and famous Stephanie Meyers. AND THE CROWD GOES WILD. I really like this one. It might be my favorite. I watched New Moon, which is the second one, over the weekend and it was pretty good too but not as good as this one. The third one might be my favorite, but it's between the third and the fourth definately. I'm just so indecisive when it comes to these awesome books ! Breaking Dawns a pretty big book, but i'm gonna finish reading it by this friday so I can start a new one for the last week of the reading assignments. That's exciting. I think i'll still read a lot actually. As long as I don't have very much homework. Well off to my next reading, buhhhhhbyee. Adios. Chao.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

2nd blog for the week man. yeah buddy.

Ahh I'm so glad there's a 3 dizzzay wizzzzeeekend ! This week went by kinda slow though. Dive started this week, but I couldn't go monday because I had to work. But i've had morning practice this tuesday and this thursday (today) and its been rough. I've been so ferrrrreakin tired after wards but it's all good. And I started the workout video/program INSANITY and it is thee hardest workout I have ever or probably will ever do. I've been sore the last 3 days and walking up the school stairs is killing me. I haven't had that much time to read this week but I pushed through the min 100 pages. I'm still workin on Breaking Dawn, the fourth famous book out of the Twilight series written by stephanie meyers. I LOVE IT. And once again, I cannot wait for the movie to come out Nov. 18th. Yipppieeee ! Well toodles for now, have fun this weeekend everyone ! oh yeah...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breaking wind .. HAHA

So Bella's a vampire. And she just got the car she gets to drive now. It's a freaking red Ferrari. What the heck ! Umm why don't I get a Ferrari ? I turned into a vampire because of my new found vampire husband.. Ok, not really but still.. I WANT A DANG FERRARI ! Alice just left because of the vision she had of the Volturi coming to fight over Renesme and Bella has to figure out a way to stop them. With her mind. Dun. Dun. Dun. I wish we had a special powers. All people would have a different one too, no one with the same power would exist. But I think we would definitely run out of powers for everyone. I think that if I had a choice to have a power it would be that I could fly. Or shape shift. I wouldn't want to become invisible though because I just think that it wouldn't be fun. Well, i guess you could scare people and that would be funny, but I wouldn't wanna evesdrop because if someone was talking about me, it would make me sad. Haha. I think flying would be the best. Yepp, that'd be the way to go.

Close Reading B I N G O .

Four blogs that I came across that were following the weakness chart were ...

1. "While describing his 'touchy as hell', he empathizes how emotional his parents can be. Mentioning his childhood as a 'lousy childhood.'” - Outspoken Silence
These sentences just don't make any sense.

2. "Overall, Baker wrote a very descriptive paragraph, but lacked colorful and exciting diction." - Running in Circles.
This person wrote in past tense !

3. "His diction affects the reader as a young boy who doesn't have a story to tell, and is boring and dull." - Amanda.
Amanda addresses the reader. NO NO NO.

4. "In Nicholson Baker's work The Mezzanine, he uses elegant and intricate diction to create a formal tone." - CLAY ball.
In the very first sentence, they say the word use.

I think the most well written responses come from the blog Lori.
I especially liked the sentence ... (even though it might be a run-on)
"The highly descriptive and scholarly diction, the almost philosophical and appreciative tone inserted into Nicholson Baker's connotation, and the harmonious flow ringing throughout the first page of his novel, instill dreamy, practically romantic admiration for the mezzanine Baker speaks of, as this first page is read."

Practice Diction Analysis

The low, vulgar diction and the straight-forward, denotative attitude of the narrator of “Catcher in the Rye” fosters the callous representation that the protagonist holds towards the world. The narrator is consistent with his undesired involvement between the audience and his personal life, as he makes well known that he doesn’t “feel like going into it.” His home-life and personal-life were just not mixing well so the narrator decided to leave the less gracious one behind. Using crude words such as “hell” and “damn” demonstrates his real personality as a teen and addresses the hardhearted thoughts of his mind. The nonchalant, indifferent persona that the author adapts to is demonstrated throughout the entire book, especially the first page.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Distracted. MAJOR

so I'm still currently reading breaking dawn by stephanie meyers and I can't help but let my mind wander to next months debut.. I cannot wait for the first part of the last movie to come out ! November 18th. That's less than a month. Too bad my dad won't let me go to the midnight premiere >:( i'm so mad. I've never been to a midnight premiere and I thought that this year he would let me because i'm almost 18 and a senior and highschool but NO. I don't know why he won't.. but whatever. I'm totalllly over it hahaha. Well I did go see the movie Paranormal Activity this weekend and let me tell you.. it was CRAZY. I jumped soo many times! I usually never scream and I actually let out a scream during this one. It was soo scary but it was so freaking good. I saw a preview for a movie called The Devil Inside and I really wanna go see that. It made my friend cry she got so scared ahah and just from the preview.. It was funny. Well there's my second blog for this week. Yay

Friday, October 21, 2011

Currently 10/21/11

This week I have read 101 pages in my book Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyers. This means I have read a total of 1016 pages this semester.

My three favorite posts and sentences from the Style Mapping are...

1. Contrasting the opening of The Guns of August , Tuchman portrays a sophisticated view of regality that harmoniously prescribes a session of kings.
This sentence is from the blog of The Lost Message of Words. I really liked this sentence because it is contrasting another writing and it uses sophisticate diction but i've never heard the word regality.
2. Up Your Score on the other hand, speaks with a mixture of intricate words and slang pop-culture references that are very punctuated, straightforward at times, but somewhat suggestive, and often light.
This sentence is from the blog of Comtemplations. I liked this sentence because of the diction and way that it is said and described.
3. The book Catcher in the Rye provides a excessivly low connotation with an evident harshness.
This sentence comes from That One Guy's Blog. I really liked this one because I enjoyed the book Catcher in the Rye and I agree with the statement made.

There ya have it.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Snapping Morning.

I tried to make breaking dawn something different so I came up with snapping morning. Ha look how clever I am ! Not. But ok so I just read in Stephanie Meyers's book that Jacob has a secret that he is afraid to tell Bella. But he's finally and suddenly actually okay with her being with Edward ? RANDOM. He loves playing with Renesmee though. He says he really connects with her ... whooops. Spoiler alert. The reason he connects with Renesmee so much is because he has IMPRINTED on her ! Shocker. When a werewolf imprints on someone, they have to be with them for the rest of their life in some way. They don't have a choice. It has to happen, it's destiny, it can't be changed. Bella is so mad. Her little girl is going to be attached somehow to Jacob for the rest of her half-vampire life. Jacobs happy about it, because it will allow him to keep close with Bella too, just not on a romantic level. He's totally okay with that now though because he has little baby Renesmee <3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mappin, yo.

For many different types of writing, there are many different ways to describe or label the writing based upon it's language. In Lynda Barry's "Cruddy," a blunt, suggestive tone is used throughout the collection of words. Surrounded by "cruddy" this and "cruddy" that, the main character, Julie, is quite frank about her surroundings and her opinion of them. The thudding sound of "cruddy" adds to the harshness of the way this exerpt sounds as well. A passage from Leon Uris' " Mila 18" is a great demonstrator of the diction and language that the author uses during his book. Uris uses a elegant diction and a melodious language. Words such as "gentry" and "grandeur" express his panache, decorative use of words. "Late summer rain" adds the lyrical sense to his book as well. The way authors use diction and language often foster the casualty of his piece.

Friday, October 14, 2011


For my reflection, I’m gonna talk mostly about my reading habits this semester. I wished I could have read mostly outside, since It’s been so nice, but I’ve mostly read in my bed at night and on my breaks at work AND in my free times during classes. The reading that I most enjoyed was probably Breaking Dawn. Mostly because I love the Twilight series and it’s a really easy book to read. Odd Thomas was kind of a hard book for me to read. It was a good book and I really liked how it was written, but it took a while for me to get through it. I’m proud of myself for keeping up with the required minimum of 100 pages a week, so overall, I’m really happy with this quarter readings. My phones usually on when I read, but i'm not really a big texter so it's not that much of a worry for me. I only text my bestfriend all the time. My main goal is that I want all of my books that I read next quarter to be from my white board in my room. I have like 40 books that I wanna read on my white board, but i'm moving kinda slow. I have a study hall and 2 art classes next quarter so I think i'll have a lot more time to read some more pages.

Breaking Dawn.. again.

Welll, Bella and Edward are gettting married, lets just call them Bellward, and the date is set for Bella to become a vampire ! ahhhh. So they get married, go on a honeymoon, and do the dirtyy, and now bella's pregnant. Her daughters name is Renesmee and she doesn't really have a special power but she can make people love her soo much and she can fully and completely love someone too. I'm excited to see Bella as a vampire in the movie and see who they pick for her daughter because you know how all the vampires are totally gorgeous. Ugh, I wish I had their eye colors. They're so freaking cool ! But anyway, Renesmee is really only half vampire and half human because bella was still human when she was conceived. Renesmee almost killed Bella too when she was giving birth to her. They had to deliver her from Bella's stomach because she was too weak to give birth to her because she was going through the vampire transformation at the same time. Whattta crazy life. Soo jellly

Breaking Dawn.

Alright so I started reading breaking dawn again by stephanie meyers. The first part of it comes out in almost a month ! November 18th to be exact, and I cannot wait. My dad said i'm not allowed to go to the midnight premiere but i'm gonna try to talk him into it. Anyway, i'm gonna reread the entire twilight series after I finish reading this one. I don't even know why I started reading the last one haha it was probably the best outta the four though. I watched the very first movie .. twilight.. before I read the books so I had no idea what to expect in the next ones. I completely fell inlove with the series though. I love Edward and Jacob's obsession with Bella, and Bella's with Edward's love and Jacob's friendship. At first I wanted Bella to pick Jacob (just cuz he was wayyyy cuter) but now i'm glad she has picked Edward. I'm really excited for the last movie to come out because the visuals are better for me after i've read the books. CANT WAIT

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

response post.

My response post goes out to those who have made and presented videos for our book talk project. If I was creative, skilled, and talented enough, I would have made a video.. but me and computers justs don't really get along too well. BUT I thought that the videos made were soo good. I really liked the music soundtracks being played in both videos and the transitions that were put into play were awesome too. I really believed that if I saw a preview like that on tv, I would want to go see both movies that we saw previews for.

Currently 10/11/11


Monday, October 10, 2011

Post REAd.

Odd now knows that there's gonna be something way big happening tomorrow, August 15th. Him and his three or four helpers are in an urgent situation to figure out what it is, where it's gonna happen, who its gonna involve, and when exactly it will go down. And on top of that, they have to figure out how to stop it.. I know that it sucks knowing something is gonna happen before it does. I've watched my friends fight and have something go down and nobody else knows its gonna happen but me, because only I was talking to my friend that was gonna yell at the other one or something like that. Stupid drama, I know but what can ya do?! Anyways, to try to prevent something like that takes time, hard decisions, and actuallly a lot of carefulness. I like being a mediator though, it makes me feel like I am more mature then the people fighting. Anyway, i'm gonna keep reading to see what happens !

Fungus Man.

Recently, Odd Thomas has been following a man that he named Fungus Man. Odd was hanging out at the diner, the Pico Mundo Grille, making his food and stuff, when they guy came and sat at the counter, ordered like 6 meals and a huge drink. The guy was skinny, so Odd thought the fact that he could pretty much eat his body weight in food was weird. Then, after collecting about 20 bodachs, the man leaves. Soo ofcourse Odd can't just sit there and let the guy leave, so he follows him. He follows the guy to the ice cream parlor where Stormy works. After losing the bodachs, the guy buys a few gallons of ice cream then goes to his apartment, where STILL, Odd is following him. This relates to me because, well I've never stalked someone to where they go get food and go home, but I've had suspicions about a lot of people and have wanted to get a better feeel for them. In the end, little does Odd know, that he should have just let him go, but now it's too late for that... DUN DUN DUNNNN

Friday, September 30, 2011

Currently. Week 5

Reading --> Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz.
This week --> 105 pages
Total --> 620 pages

Favorite Sentences
1. "During my twenty years, I have been in many dark places, some lacking light and others devoid of hope." I liked this sentence because of the double meaning, which he then explains.
2. "I am not fearless. Toss me in a cage with a hungry tiger, and if I should escape, I will need a bath and clean pants as surely as will the next guy." This sentence was awesome because it was funny and random.
3. "This soft flap-flap-flap is one of the fundamental rhythms of the beautiful music of the Pico Mundo Grille, along with the sizzle and sputter of things cooking, the clink of flatware, and the clatter of dishes. The conversation of customers and employees provides the melody." The reason I picked this sentence is because of the fact that he enjoys the sounds that most people would consider annoying and distracting.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

close but no c*g*r

hmmm, i'm almost to the end. I see the light at the end of the tunnel! i'm so close; yet, so far away. ITS A PHOTO FINISH! just kidding, but really, i'm excited to finish Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I wish I could have done him for the project that we are about to start, but it had to be a visual. Soo I ended up doing The Art of Highschool Oriented Movies. I'm gonna use Mean Girls, Easy A, and The Diary of a Wimpy Kid as my three body paragraphs. I'm realll excited because I loved alll of those movies. Besides the fact that Mean Girls is now considered a lifetime classic, it was hilarious ! And i'm sure we can all relate. The movie Easy A puts a new perspective on what girls in highschool are trying to make people remember about them. Nevertheless, I was laughing the whole time. And last but not least, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid was soo cute. I could never imagine the life of a little frosh boy coming into his highschool career until now. And I won't forget it. But i'm excited for finishing my book and starting that paper ! Yay. 10-4, Over and Out.

We Be Steady Bloggin

i'm almost done with my dean koontz book, Odd Thomas. As I read, i'm really noticing the similarities in all of Koontz's books that he writes. The descriptions in each and every one is superb. He describes things in ways that I could never even begin to think of. I don't understand how people can be clever in that way.. but i'm no writer so it's probably not as cool as I think it is. Another connection or similiarity between all of his novels are the reality of it. I bet not even 2 out of 10 of his stories could actually occur in life, but they'd be absolutely terrifying if they did ! His stories always have some wild, chimerical creature or character that is either maliciously evil or overwhelmingly good. For instance, a crazy, blood-thirsty beast hunting a talking, intelligently advanced golden retreiver in the dark of the night. Or a strange man who can see dead people and solves crimes through or for them. OR an evil little boy trying to corrupt an innocent little boy. Whoever the predator and whoever the prey, it's a thrilling story of danger, excitement, or imagination. AND I TOTALLY LOVE IT!

We Be Steady Bloggin

Friday, September 23, 2011

Currently/Blogs of ze month.

Currently reading:
Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz.
Read this week:
103 pages
Read total:
513 Pages.

Favorite Sentences of zee month!:

  1. "Losing my grip on Harlo, I tumbled in slow-mo through undulant curtains of green light, blue shadow, and broke the surface into spangles of sunshine." I chose this sentence again because I really liked the description included in it. Rather than just saying I fell into the pool, he makes it sound so beautiful or dazzling.

  2. "When you're not all catching touchdown passes and sacking quarterbacks, you're catching fist from heaven's seas. Fist way too big for this world." This sentence grabbed my attention again because of the sentimental pull that is has over me. He had just lost his friends and was summing up the story with hope he never lost.

  3. "Getting back on the boat was like trying to throw your leg over the saddle of a hourse, except that it was a sharp, jagged, moving, bouncing saddle. And the horse's head wasn't smooth and furry, it was the motor, and it was sharp, metallic, cold, and bucking." This sentence was awesome to me because of it's really neat comparison. Comparing a boat to a bucking horse was pretty imaginative, I think, and it really made me get the picture.


So Odd was workin at his diner like he always does, seeing as he is a fry cook, when this strange man (Fungus Man) walks in. He noticed him as soon as he stepped foot in the Pico Mundo Diner. What Odd Thomas calls bodachs, evil spirits, shadows, lingerers, kept following the Fungus Man. It started off being only one, then two, then three, THEN twenty. He follows this man to where he thinks that he would be with him "pyschic magnetism" as Stormy calls it. He ends up at Stormy's work, a typical ice cream parlor, and is forced to watch as the bodachs have disappeared. He was so concerned with these things because he feeels like there is danger surrounding them. He has many examples of when they only leave after blood and horror is spilled. Which is kinda creepy.. But intruiging.

I see dead people.

ITS BLOG TIME AGAIN. ABIDD reporting for blog at Still reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I really still like the way that stormy's relationship is with Odd Thomas. She goes through all his emotional crazy stuff with him. However, I really think that she is unappreciative with his gift that he has. (Which is that he can totally see dead people!!!) He knows that it is a gift though, and he says that he wouldn't have been given it if he wasn't supposed to use it. Even though she might not always appreciate it, she is extremely happy to have him by her side. Which is totalllly cute :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Claims of Zee Day

  1. The aggressive raw movement and the natural connection of the two dancers from two worlds portrays passionate, seductive, and energetic love by not giving up on their one dream.

  2. The aggressive raw movement and the natural connection of the two dancers from two worlds portrays passionate, seductive, and energetic love by not giving up on their one dream.
  3. [In this scene from Vincent van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night , his colorful and exciting use of setting, busy but pleasant mood, and inviting cozy buildings]
    portrays [a sense of playful benevolence and lighthearted liveliness.]
  4. Emerson's chubby cheeks, varying moods, and melodic giggles highlight the sincere, playful, and cheerful innocence of children.
  5. The educationally stimulating childrens' game Questionaut incorporates pleasantly jubilant music with whimsically quaint animation to create an inventively playful adventure.

Pretty Cool Artifact.
Kyle Lake's Picture.

Pretty Cool Claim.
[In this scene from Vincent van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night , his colorful and exciting use of setting, busy but pleasant mood, and inviting cozy buildings]
portrays [a sense of playful benevolence and lighthearted liveliness.]

Friday, September 16, 2011

cool image.

4 Elements.
color, setting, mood, plot

12 Adjectives.
bright, shimmery, scenic, archaeic, magestic, extra-terrestrial, magical, solar, bright, vivid, serene, and rosy

The magestical and shimmery image conveys a bright, serene outlook on these kinds of places.

Poets, oh Poets.

A poem that I really liked was "Gee, You're So Beautiful That It's Starting To Rain" by Richard Brautigan sooo, I found another one that I liked by him and put it in my moleskine. Here it is:

"San Francisco"

By accident, you put
Your money in my
Machine (#4)
By accident, I put
My money in another
Machine (#6)
On purpose, I put
Your clothes in the
Empty machine full
Of water and no

It was lonely.

Currrently. 9/16/11

Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz.
This week - 100 Pages
Total - 410 Pages

3 Favorite Sentences:

  1. "Pity tore at me, and I went after Harlo Landerson, for whom I had no pity whatsoever." I liked this sentence because he shows some vulnerability at the very beginning, and then she shows animocity at the end of it.

  2. "Losing my grip on Harlo, I tumbled in slow-mo through undulant curtains of green light, blue shadow, and broke the surface into spangles of sunshine." I really liked all of the description jammed into this sentence.

  3. "They pity us, I think, and no doubt they should." I liked the realness of this sentence. He is talking about how the dead pity us because we are stuck on the world still, and he agrees.

oDd ThOmAs No. TwO

I'm still reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. It's a pretttty thick book. But i'll get through it. I really like it so far. The descriptions and phrases and comparisons are incredible. Their so original. I really like Dean Koontz as a writer. It's been a while since i've read one of his books, but I realized again why he is one of my favorites. His literary techniques are executed perfectly, and his writing is so witty. I really like how he portrays his relationship with Stormy too. He talks of them as being soul mates, as if there is no question about whether or not they are made for eachother or not. It's reassuring and inspiring. She knows all of his loose ends, strange abilities, and life changing qualities. And she loves him anyway. I also like how he doesn't really defy her, but disagrees with her on some of their views, and he's not afraid to say it. He is however afraid of her looks she can give him sometimes haha. Overall, it's a pretty good book. And I can't wait to finish it >:)

OdD tHoMaS

I have read further into Odd Thomas, by Dean Koontz. I figured out that he can see dead people.. partly because he came out and said it but have on my own ha. He helped solve a murder too ! Apparently it's not the first time, but this time hopefully he wont get in trouble as well as the cold blooded killller ! This book will definately be able to keep me interested I think, atleast more then the last book I read. I read Not Without Hope, by Nick Schuyler, and after I read it I gave it to my mom to read it. She read it in like threee days.. way faster than I read it. She had the same thought as me, that it was reallly repetative. But anyway, it was a good read I supppose but i'm more excited about this one ! PEACE

Friday, September 9, 2011

Currently yo. 9/9/11

I am currently reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.

I read 31 pages of Not Without Hope last week and finished it.

I read 70 pages of Odd Thomas this week totaling a whopping 101 pages for the week.

I have read 209 pages total this semester.

My three favorite sentences are:
1) "It would be a good story to tell later, but one out of four is not a good score for anything."
I really liked this quote because it sets the readers back to reality.

2) "Paula went to the grocery store the next day and over heard a woman say, 'My mother's in ICU at Tampa General and there's no Jello-O on the whole floor'."
I liked this sentence because it added humor to a heartheavy story.

3) "When you're not all catching touchdown passes and sacking quarterbacks, you're catching fist from heaven's seas. Fist way too big for this world."
I really liked this quote because it was sentimental and it related a lot to the story since they died on a fishing trip.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Odd Dean Thomas Koontz.

The book I just started is called Odd Thomas. It's by Dean Koontz, one of my personal favorites I think. I don't really know what's it about yet, besides a twenty year old guy named Odd.. how odd. Ha. But a lot of people recommended it to me, so I thought I'd give it a whack. I read watchers, the voice of the night, and from the corner of his eye by Dean Koontz too and they were soo good ! So I doubt i'll be disappointed. I have this white board in my room and it has like 30 books that I wanna read on it and maybe 10 of them are Dean Koontz books haha. I love the elements of suprise, imagination, and mystery that he puts in his books. And I like how he always has a picture of him, his dog, or him an his dog on every book too haahaha. CLASSIC.

The End of Hope.

Wellll, I finished my first book this past week. Not Without Hope definately turned out to be different then I expected it to but it still turned out to be a real good read. The whole time I was reading it all I could think about was how I complain soo much about being cold or hungry or thirsty or how my life sucks, yet i've never gone through anything like this guy did. I'm really fortunate to not have done so, but I would have never been able to hold on like he did. I can never imagine having to hold my best friend in my arms as she died either. That alone makes him the strongest person he can be. I loved his tattoo he got in memory of the tragedy and those three friends that he lost. The book had a bunch of pictures in it of him being rescued, the three guys who never returned, the positions they were in, maps where the searches were, his tattoo, and friends and family. I just wish that there was more emotion to the book. It's horrible, but I was never truly sad or touched by what he wrote. His words were just so emotionless. But he did go through the hardest thing someone could. Overall, I enjoyed it ! TEN FOUR, OVER AND OUT.

Friday, September 2, 2011

9 Blogs That I Visited Today...

  1. On Paper Wings

  2. Inside Out

  3. Suffer In Silence

  4. Noodles

  5. Apples to Apples

  6. Charliebucket

  7. Phyllis

  8. Life's Unexpected Adventures

  9. Jake Hath Spake


I am still reading NOT WITHOUT HOPE by Nick Schuyler.
I am now on page 215, which means I read 102 pages (totalling a whopping 208 !!!)

My three favorite sentences are as follows:
1) "Getting back on the boat was like trying to throw your leg over the saddle of a hourse, except that it was a sharp, jagged, moving, bouncing saddle. And the horse's head wasn't smooth and furry, it was the motor, and it was sharp, metallic, cold, and bucking."
I really liked this similie because it took something like a beautiful, graceful horse and made it into something vicious and ready to strike.

2) "We were scared, too, but I wanted them to know that we were fighting, and as long as they were looking, we would keep fighting."
I liked the inspiration included in this sentence. It really ties the the title of the book to it as well.

3) "A parent shouldn't have to bury a child. It should be the other way around. No one is strong enough for that."
Even though it's a sad, scary thought, it is true. It would suck to have to bury a parent, but a child is a completely whole new level. It was well said, too.

Rescue Mission.

Nick has just seen the light ! Jk but he saw a boat. The Coast Guard finally spotted him, after 43 hours and the death of his three amigos. He was a lot more upset when he was his last one died, his absolute best friend, Will. I wish I could have been there watching the event as it was happening just to get the full effect of it. It would have been surreal, unimaginable. But I really want to find out what happens after he gets rescued. He has to deal with his family, explaining to loved ones who were related to Will, Marquis, and Corey. I really hope it all goes well for him ! But that's all for now, ta ta.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yeahhhh buddy

sooo i'm a little late on the bloggin' these days.. whooops. TEHEE <3 jk .. but i'm a lot farther in NOT WITHOUT HOPE now. It's really sad, just imagining what the two surviving guys went through, but there is a lot less emotion in it then I expected. The way that he describes having to let go of his dead friend, and how they went crazy before they both died is too casual in my opinion. Maybe he's still traumatized over it, but idk. There just wasn't a whole lot of feeling going on. I was expecting to tear up atleast ! I mean it's still really sad, and I can't even imagine how they would go through something like that, but it just wasn't what I expected. Oh yeah, and i've found atleast like 2 or 3 grammatical errors in the book so far.. sooo unprofessional.. But it's cool. I'm not judgin :) I can't wait to start my new book though, it's by Dean Koontz so hopefully it scares me. Haha. Well gotta go read some more -_-

Friday, August 26, 2011

Currently - 8/26/11

I am currently reading Not Without Hope.
I am on page, 113, and have read 108 pages.

My two favorite sentences that I found were:

"I caught my first fish and I was like, oh my God, forget this."
I really liked the irony in this sentence because when most people catch their first fish they would be super excited. This guy, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction.

"It was dark. My teeth were constantly chattering."
I really liked these two sentences together because of the dark, ominous mood that it sets for the book.

Diggin Deeper.

As the story of the four football players continues, the more into I become. I'm to the part now where their boat has just capsized, and thier struggling to stay afloat. As this is going on, he's telling the readers of all the things that made him and the three other guys such good friends. He's given details about their lives, their regrets and hopes, and the concerns they all shared about not making it home and how their families will carry on. I'm seeing alot more connections to the book and my life as I read on too. The way that the four friends interact and talk with eachother reminds me of me and my friends. We can talk to eachother with no problem at all. We're always joking, hangin out, and just havin a good ol' time. Besides my family, there's no other people that I would want to be around in emergency or just in general. The way that they look out for eachother is a remarkable thing, even in near death experiences. They wouldn't have lasted half as long as they did if they didn't have the physical and mental support that they gave eachother, just as anyone in life. I'm really looking forward to finishing up the book and getting the full story of it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Diggin In.

My first book I dug into, Not Without Hope, is by a guy named Nick Schuyler. I'll tell you a little bit about the book just to catch you up. Four friends, football players, go on a fishing trip before going their seperate ways for a while. As nasty weather approaches, the boat capsizes. After struggling for days and awaiting a rescue team, only one man survives, and the book is his version of the terrifying event. It's a unique story of a fishing trip gone wrong and is even more desirable to read due to the fact that it is a true story told from the survivor himself. I really took to this book because my friends and I have often taken out my boat for the day to test out our fishing skills. Nothing like the tragedy they encountered has ever come close to happening to me personally, but I could only imagine. I really enjoy looking at the real life photos that the author included throughout the book of himself, his friends who were not so fortunate, and a few fun times they shared. Times he can never, ever get back. His courage to go through with writing the book really urged me to want to read it as well. He mentions the hard feelings that people have towards him, like his friends' families and friends, for being the only one to survive the catastrophe. If it were I, I don't now that I would have the strength that he did to continue on with life and put the rumors to rest and tell his side of the story the way it should be told. I think a lot of people in the world could tie their lives to this book. Countless amounts of people have gone through tragic events and been the only one to survive. I think that they could and would really connect with what he has gone through, and maybe it could even help them with their despair. I'm not very far into the book, but I can't wait to read to the end, page by page.

Dirt Road Anthem.