
lml (-_-) lml

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close Reading B I N G O .

Four blogs that I came across that were following the weakness chart were ...

1. "While describing his 'touchy as hell', he empathizes how emotional his parents can be. Mentioning his childhood as a 'lousy childhood.'” - Outspoken Silence
These sentences just don't make any sense.

2. "Overall, Baker wrote a very descriptive paragraph, but lacked colorful and exciting diction." - Running in Circles.
This person wrote in past tense !

3. "His diction affects the reader as a young boy who doesn't have a story to tell, and is boring and dull." - Amanda.
Amanda addresses the reader. NO NO NO.

4. "In Nicholson Baker's work The Mezzanine, he uses elegant and intricate diction to create a formal tone." - CLAY ball.
In the very first sentence, they say the word use.

I think the most well written responses come from the blog Lori.
I especially liked the sentence ... (even though it might be a run-on)
"The highly descriptive and scholarly diction, the almost philosophical and appreciative tone inserted into Nicholson Baker's connotation, and the harmonious flow ringing throughout the first page of his novel, instill dreamy, practically romantic admiration for the mezzanine Baker speaks of, as this first page is read."

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