
lml (-_-) lml

Monday, October 10, 2011

Post REAd.

Odd now knows that there's gonna be something way big happening tomorrow, August 15th. Him and his three or four helpers are in an urgent situation to figure out what it is, where it's gonna happen, who its gonna involve, and when exactly it will go down. And on top of that, they have to figure out how to stop it.. I know that it sucks knowing something is gonna happen before it does. I've watched my friends fight and have something go down and nobody else knows its gonna happen but me, because only I was talking to my friend that was gonna yell at the other one or something like that. Stupid drama, I know but what can ya do?! Anyways, to try to prevent something like that takes time, hard decisions, and actuallly a lot of carefulness. I like being a mediator though, it makes me feel like I am more mature then the people fighting. Anyway, i'm gonna keep reading to see what happens !

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