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Friday, October 14, 2011

Breaking Dawn.

Alright so I started reading breaking dawn again by stephanie meyers. The first part of it comes out in almost a month ! November 18th to be exact, and I cannot wait. My dad said i'm not allowed to go to the midnight premiere but i'm gonna try to talk him into it. Anyway, i'm gonna reread the entire twilight series after I finish reading this one. I don't even know why I started reading the last one haha it was probably the best outta the four though. I watched the very first movie .. twilight.. before I read the books so I had no idea what to expect in the next ones. I completely fell inlove with the series though. I love Edward and Jacob's obsession with Bella, and Bella's with Edward's love and Jacob's friendship. At first I wanted Bella to pick Jacob (just cuz he was wayyyy cuter) but now i'm glad she has picked Edward. I'm really excited for the last movie to come out because the visuals are better for me after i've read the books. CANT WAIT

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