
lml (-_-) lml

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mappin, yo.

For many different types of writing, there are many different ways to describe or label the writing based upon it's language. In Lynda Barry's "Cruddy," a blunt, suggestive tone is used throughout the collection of words. Surrounded by "cruddy" this and "cruddy" that, the main character, Julie, is quite frank about her surroundings and her opinion of them. The thudding sound of "cruddy" adds to the harshness of the way this exerpt sounds as well. A passage from Leon Uris' " Mila 18" is a great demonstrator of the diction and language that the author uses during his book. Uris uses a elegant diction and a melodious language. Words such as "gentry" and "grandeur" express his panache, decorative use of words. "Late summer rain" adds the lyrical sense to his book as well. The way authors use diction and language often foster the casualty of his piece.

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