
lml (-_-) lml

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fin. Blog 2 of Week 3.

awhhhh i'm done reading the book about werewolves and vampires and half human-vampires. Sad face. Tear. Oh well, there will be more of that when the first part of Breaking Dawn comes out in just 16 days ! Whooo ! I cannot wait for this to come out. I wish these things could happen in real life too. Find a vampire, fall inlove, be able to live with him forever. I know that people do meet, fallinlove, become destined to be together, and do all the til death do us part yadee yaddee yadeee blabidy blahbidy blahh! But nothing compares to this. We will never ever meet someone and actually spend eternity with them. How sad for us. But who knows, maybe in another life :) That would be spectacular. I wonder what life will be like for our kids, and their kids and thier kids. This is what reading books like Twilight does to me ! It makes me think of all the caraaaazy possibilities inlife that we don't know about or never will know about. The things that life could actually be like are mesmerizing to me. And it makes me sad to know that I'll never find out about them. I guess i'll just have to reincarnate into a new person later on down the road and see what i'm missin :) wow. How awesome would that be ?!

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