
lml (-_-) lml

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last Week, Blog 1.

Ok now i'm workin my way backwards. I read Breaking Dawn last week (by Stephanie Meyers) and this week I read Eclipse (also by Stephanie Meyers). Breaking Dawn is the last one, and Eclipse is the third one. This is the intense one where Bella is forced to choose between Edward, her soul mate, and Jacob, the better choice. COUGH COUGH. I mean I like Edward, don't get me wrong. The way he shimmers in the sun light is just magnificant. But Jacob.. who doesn't think that ripping off your clothes and turning into a werewolf is sexy ... He is to die for. But anyway, the werewolves and the vampires team up to fight the new fleet of newborns (vampires who want only distruction and blood) and before the fight Bella has to convince Jacob to stay around with her and not get involved with the fight. In order to do this, she yells: "KISS ME. Kiss me." Which he ofcourse jumps on, and i'll let ya know in the next blog how it turns out. Muahahah

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