
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, November 11, 2011


During the course of this semester, I read 4 books. I read Its Kind of a Funny Story, Odd Thomas, Breaking Dawn, and a little bit of Eclipse. The two new ones that I read are the first two listed, and I reread the Twilight books just for fun. I choose Its Kind of a Funny Story because of Riley McComb. Last year in English she was talking about it, so I thought I’d give it a try and I loved it! It was one of the best books I’ve ever read I think. I really liked Odd Thomas too, it was awesome. And strange, and weird. I chose to reread the Twilight series because of the last movie coming out soon, and I wanted to catch up and see what all happened again. Every time I watch the movies or read the books I love the series even more. It’s pretty easy to find things that interest me to read because I love mysteries, comedies, romances, and pretty much everything. The only thing I don’t really like are the things like anime, Harry Potter wanna-be’s, and the fairy tale stuff. So finding books really isn’t a challenge for me. It was really hard for me to stick with Odd Thomas, just because I was so busy during the course of it, but I still stuck to my 100 page week quota. When I heard people saying that we had to read 100 pages a week in Etymology I was like wow, really?! But it wasn’t hard at all. It was way more enjoyable than I thought, and I’m really glad I took the class.

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