
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, September 23, 2011


So Odd was workin at his diner like he always does, seeing as he is a fry cook, when this strange man (Fungus Man) walks in. He noticed him as soon as he stepped foot in the Pico Mundo Diner. What Odd Thomas calls bodachs, evil spirits, shadows, lingerers, kept following the Fungus Man. It started off being only one, then two, then three, THEN twenty. He follows this man to where he thinks that he would be with him "pyschic magnetism" as Stormy calls it. He ends up at Stormy's work, a typical ice cream parlor, and is forced to watch as the bodachs have disappeared. He was so concerned with these things because he feeels like there is danger surrounding them. He has many examples of when they only leave after blood and horror is spilled. Which is kinda creepy.. But intruiging.

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