
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, September 30, 2011

Currently. Week 5

Reading --> Odd Thomas, Dean Koontz.
This week --> 105 pages
Total --> 620 pages

Favorite Sentences
1. "During my twenty years, I have been in many dark places, some lacking light and others devoid of hope." I liked this sentence because of the double meaning, which he then explains.
2. "I am not fearless. Toss me in a cage with a hungry tiger, and if I should escape, I will need a bath and clean pants as surely as will the next guy." This sentence was awesome because it was funny and random.
3. "This soft flap-flap-flap is one of the fundamental rhythms of the beautiful music of the Pico Mundo Grille, along with the sizzle and sputter of things cooking, the clink of flatware, and the clatter of dishes. The conversation of customers and employees provides the melody." The reason I picked this sentence is because of the fact that he enjoys the sounds that most people would consider annoying and distracting.

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