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Friday, September 16, 2011

oDd ThOmAs No. TwO

I'm still reading Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. It's a pretttty thick book. But i'll get through it. I really like it so far. The descriptions and phrases and comparisons are incredible. Their so original. I really like Dean Koontz as a writer. It's been a while since i've read one of his books, but I realized again why he is one of my favorites. His literary techniques are executed perfectly, and his writing is so witty. I really like how he portrays his relationship with Stormy too. He talks of them as being soul mates, as if there is no question about whether or not they are made for eachother or not. It's reassuring and inspiring. She knows all of his loose ends, strange abilities, and life changing qualities. And she loves him anyway. I also like how he doesn't really defy her, but disagrees with her on some of their views, and he's not afraid to say it. He is however afraid of her looks she can give him sometimes haha. Overall, it's a pretty good book. And I can't wait to finish it >:)

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