
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, November 11, 2011


During the course of this semester, I read 4 books. I read Its Kind of a Funny Story, Odd Thomas, Breaking Dawn, and a little bit of Eclipse. The two new ones that I read are the first two listed, and I reread the Twilight books just for fun. I choose Its Kind of a Funny Story because of Riley McComb. Last year in English she was talking about it, so I thought I’d give it a try and I loved it! It was one of the best books I’ve ever read I think. I really liked Odd Thomas too, it was awesome. And strange, and weird. I chose to reread the Twilight series because of the last movie coming out soon, and I wanted to catch up and see what all happened again. Every time I watch the movies or read the books I love the series even more. It’s pretty easy to find things that interest me to read because I love mysteries, comedies, romances, and pretty much everything. The only thing I don’t really like are the things like anime, Harry Potter wanna-be’s, and the fairy tale stuff. So finding books really isn’t a challenge for me. It was really hard for me to stick with Odd Thomas, just because I was so busy during the course of it, but I still stuck to my 100 page week quota. When I heard people saying that we had to read 100 pages a week in Etymology I was like wow, really?! But it wasn’t hard at all. It was way more enjoyable than I thought, and I’m really glad I took the class.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last week, post 2.

Soo after making out intensely on the mountain tops of Forks, Washington, Bella is forced to pick between Jacob, the warm, sexy, yummy werewolf, and Edward, the cool, shimmery, intense, soul=mateish vampire. I wonder who she chooses. HMMMM, well don't lie people ! I know you've all either seen the movie or read the book. You'd be lieing if you said you haven't. So she chooses Edward and Jacob goes to fight the vamps. He ends up getting into a tiff with the vampire Leah, a girl werewolf, is trying to kill and he breaks the entire right side of his body. Ouch. So while he's getting medicine and his bones put back in place, and after the werewolves and vampires win the fight ofcourse, he tells Bella that he will always be waiting for her, until her heart stops beating. Her plans to become an immortal vampire are not secret to Jacob so he drops the romantic, suprising line: And Maybe Even After That. Awhhh how stinkin cute. Well I did way more blogs this year than I did last year and it was kinda fun. But Eh, ta ta for now fellow bloggers. It's been real.

Last Week, Blog 1.

Ok now i'm workin my way backwards. I read Breaking Dawn last week (by Stephanie Meyers) and this week I read Eclipse (also by Stephanie Meyers). Breaking Dawn is the last one, and Eclipse is the third one. This is the intense one where Bella is forced to choose between Edward, her soul mate, and Jacob, the better choice. COUGH COUGH. I mean I like Edward, don't get me wrong. The way he shimmers in the sun light is just magnificant. But Jacob.. who doesn't think that ripping off your clothes and turning into a werewolf is sexy ... He is to die for. But anyway, the werewolves and the vampires team up to fight the new fleet of newborns (vampires who want only distruction and blood) and before the fight Bella has to convince Jacob to stay around with her and not get involved with the fight. In order to do this, she yells: "KISS ME. Kiss me." Which he ofcourse jumps on, and i'll let ya know in the next blog how it turns out. Muahahah

Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently's. Week 2 and Week 3. 11/4/11

During week 2 I read 113 pages of Stephanie Meyer's book Breaking Dawn. That means I read a total of 1129 pages overall.
During week 3, I read 165 pages of Stephanie Meyer's Breaking Dawn. That makes a whopping 1294 pages read during this year.

3 Best Sentences:
1) "I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan." This sentence is just soooo romantic as said by Edward Cullen.
2) "You’re awfully small to be so hugely irritating." This sentence spoke to me because I know a lot of small people that are extremely irritating...
3) "I’m not ready for you to kill me yet, Jacob Black. You’ll have to have a little patience." This sentence is quite ironic, which is the reasoning for my picking it, because its hard to believe that anyone is really ready for someone to kill them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fin. Blog 2 of Week 3.

awhhhh i'm done reading the book about werewolves and vampires and half human-vampires. Sad face. Tear. Oh well, there will be more of that when the first part of Breaking Dawn comes out in just 16 days ! Whooo ! I cannot wait for this to come out. I wish these things could happen in real life too. Find a vampire, fall inlove, be able to live with him forever. I know that people do meet, fallinlove, become destined to be together, and do all the til death do us part yadee yaddee yadeee blabidy blahbidy blahh! But nothing compares to this. We will never ever meet someone and actually spend eternity with them. How sad for us. But who knows, maybe in another life :) That would be spectacular. I wonder what life will be like for our kids, and their kids and thier kids. This is what reading books like Twilight does to me ! It makes me think of all the caraaaazy possibilities inlife that we don't know about or never will know about. The things that life could actually be like are mesmerizing to me. And it makes me sad to know that I'll never find out about them. I guess i'll just have to reincarnate into a new person later on down the road and see what i'm missin :) wow. How awesome would that be ?!

que pasa blog 1 of week 3.

Soo I stayed home sick today, so while I'm here just mopin' around and hangin' out I figured i'd get a little bloggin' done. I gotta case of the runny nose, the cough, the slight headache, the swollen lymphnodes in the neck, the sore throat, and the grogginess. Yay, aren't you jealous ? If you aren't .. you should be. Ha totallly kidding. But i'm almost done reading Breaking Dawn by the ever so charming and famous Stephanie Meyers. AND THE CROWD GOES WILD. I really like this one. It might be my favorite. I watched New Moon, which is the second one, over the weekend and it was pretty good too but not as good as this one. The third one might be my favorite, but it's between the third and the fourth definately. I'm just so indecisive when it comes to these awesome books ! Breaking Dawns a pretty big book, but i'm gonna finish reading it by this friday so I can start a new one for the last week of the reading assignments. That's exciting. I think i'll still read a lot actually. As long as I don't have very much homework. Well off to my next reading, buhhhhhbyee. Adios. Chao.