
lml (-_-) lml

Friday, August 26, 2011

Currently - 8/26/11

I am currently reading Not Without Hope.
I am on page, 113, and have read 108 pages.

My two favorite sentences that I found were:

"I caught my first fish and I was like, oh my God, forget this."
I really liked the irony in this sentence because when most people catch their first fish they would be super excited. This guy, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction.

"It was dark. My teeth were constantly chattering."
I really liked these two sentences together because of the dark, ominous mood that it sets for the book.

Diggin Deeper.

As the story of the four football players continues, the more into I become. I'm to the part now where their boat has just capsized, and thier struggling to stay afloat. As this is going on, he's telling the readers of all the things that made him and the three other guys such good friends. He's given details about their lives, their regrets and hopes, and the concerns they all shared about not making it home and how their families will carry on. I'm seeing alot more connections to the book and my life as I read on too. The way that the four friends interact and talk with eachother reminds me of me and my friends. We can talk to eachother with no problem at all. We're always joking, hangin out, and just havin a good ol' time. Besides my family, there's no other people that I would want to be around in emergency or just in general. The way that they look out for eachother is a remarkable thing, even in near death experiences. They wouldn't have lasted half as long as they did if they didn't have the physical and mental support that they gave eachother, just as anyone in life. I'm really looking forward to finishing up the book and getting the full story of it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Diggin In.

My first book I dug into, Not Without Hope, is by a guy named Nick Schuyler. I'll tell you a little bit about the book just to catch you up. Four friends, football players, go on a fishing trip before going their seperate ways for a while. As nasty weather approaches, the boat capsizes. After struggling for days and awaiting a rescue team, only one man survives, and the book is his version of the terrifying event. It's a unique story of a fishing trip gone wrong and is even more desirable to read due to the fact that it is a true story told from the survivor himself. I really took to this book because my friends and I have often taken out my boat for the day to test out our fishing skills. Nothing like the tragedy they encountered has ever come close to happening to me personally, but I could only imagine. I really enjoy looking at the real life photos that the author included throughout the book of himself, his friends who were not so fortunate, and a few fun times they shared. Times he can never, ever get back. His courage to go through with writing the book really urged me to want to read it as well. He mentions the hard feelings that people have towards him, like his friends' families and friends, for being the only one to survive the catastrophe. If it were I, I don't now that I would have the strength that he did to continue on with life and put the rumors to rest and tell his side of the story the way it should be told. I think a lot of people in the world could tie their lives to this book. Countless amounts of people have gone through tragic events and been the only one to survive. I think that they could and would really connect with what he has gone through, and maybe it could even help them with their despair. I'm not very far into the book, but I can't wait to read to the end, page by page.

Dirt Road Anthem.